Ralph Paiva
My name is Ralph Paiva and I am a residential designer. The company name is, “Blueprints By Design LLC.” I could give you a resume, or a short biography to let you know who I am. I could speak of being a Florida resident for 57 years, having a degree in building construction, of being a licensed Florida Residential contractor for 35 years, of designing thousands of homes, and having the privilege of serving clients for over 35 years. But it seems too much like boasting. If you would allow me to share a short true story of my grandfather and father, you may get to know me a little better.
My grandfather, a New England farmer, was approached by a salesman who asked my grandfather if he could buy all of his potatoes at harvest time for a dollar a bushel. My grandfather agreed. There was a terrible potato blight in New England that year which affected many of the farmers, but not my grandfather’s. The price of potatoes went up to four dollars a bushel. The salesman returned at harvest time to my grandfather’s farm expecting to have to pay the current price of four dollars a bushel. But before the salesman could speak, my grandfather said “You don’t have to concern yourself with the higher prices. My word is my word, I stick to that dollar a bushel.” The salesman was so impressed with my grandfather they told him he would buy his potatoes every year no matter what the price was. By my grandfather sticking to his word of a dollar a bushel, he knew that he had a wife and eight children to provide for. Back then a good year’s profit was $1000, and by turning down the four dollar a bushel price, he was turning down $3000.
Some people say that is old-school and they’re right. Being a man of great character, honest, hard-working, a man of your word. Upholding your family’s name actually means something. My father is Charles Paiva. It’s an honored name in our town. And anyone who has lived a long life knows how hard one has to work in keeping a good name for 92 years.
My grandfather and father have set the bar very high for me. If I can be half the man of character as my forefathers, I might consider having some degree of success.