Drafting Services in DeLand

Our design services incorporate drafting skills, but with the advancement of residential design services, it is no longer considered just drafting.

Designing a home is more than just drawing lines and circles. The best residential designers have years of construction experience, and have built homes or additions. Ask other draftsman if they are a Florida licensed residential contractor. Or what physical construction experience they have BEFORE you hire them. Otherwise you may have just hired someone with little or no construction experience to draw your expensive house.

A full set of engineered construction drawings require more than just drafting skills. Quality home designs require the latest Florida Building Code requirements.

In years past, a draftsman would spend days laboring over a drafting table to hand draw construction drawings. The draftsman of the past had less time to be creative with the design because of the physical requirement of hand drawing.

There is a little joke in our design industry in the years past it was “MAD” Design (manually aided design) or MAD as in crazy to hand draw.  Today it is CAD Design.

Blueprints By Design still has our original drafting table and drafting equipment from 40 years ago. Today, Blueprints By Design llc uses the most current sophisticated CAD software in the industry.

Some CAD software can be average to below average in quality, and then there is the highest quality CAD software that Blueprints By Design uses, and we pay for that quality.

All of our years of developing our drafting skills has paid off in using today’s CAD software. Today we can use more of our design time in the creativity of the designing your home!